Even though the 2006-2007 academic year is barely over, I'm already thinking about NEXT year. Maybe it's a bit premature considering that grades aren't even due yet, the eighth grade teachers aren't moved into the middle school, and the desk in the office is covered with unclaimed "stuff" retrieved from lockers that weren't cleaned out properly. But all that doesn't matter! My head is firmly into the "next year!"
Why am I so excited about next year, you may ask? Well, quite simply put, it is a momentous year for me. Next year will be my fourth year teaching at Sacopee and also... my last. Yes, that' s right. It isn't really a secret that after next year, I am moving back to the west coast. But really, that's not why I'm excited.
I'm excited because I have THE BEST class schedule next year. On blue days I have period one team time, period two English 12, period three AP Literature , and period four English 12. On white days I have period five AP Literature, period six AP Literature, period seven English 12, and period eight planning. To recap: That's three sections of AP Literature and three sections of English 12. Woo hoo!
To make good things better, all of my students next year will be the FRESHMEN I had when I first started. It will be like we're graduating together. Awww.
So yes, I have never felt better and more excited about an upcoming year than I do about next year.
Here's to a great year.
What do you think???